BlackBerry Enterprise Server (version 5.x), Part 1 Security Technical Implementation Guide


Date Finding Count (4)
2015-07-02 CAT I (High): 3 CAT II (Med): 1 CAT III (Low): 0
STIG Description
BlackBerry Enterprise Server (version 5.x) STIG, Part 1 in XCCDF format. Part 1: BES architecture and training requirements. Part 2: BES configuration requirements. Part 3: BES IT Policy configuration requirements.

Available Profiles

Findings (MAC II - Mission Support Public)

Finding ID Severity Title
V-14021 High Only the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) email solution must be used.
V-11870 High Onset Technologies METAmessage software must not be installed on DoD BlackBerry devices or on the BES.
V-19191 High Required version of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) must be installed.
V-14199 Medium Any services installed with the BES (for example IIS, SQL, Apache Web Server, etc.) must be reviewed for STIG compliance in accordance with the appropriate SQL, Apache Web Server, or IIS STIGs.