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DCID-1 Interconnection Documentation


For AIS applications, a list of all (potential) hosting enclaves is developed and maintained along with evidence of deployment planning and coordination and the exchange of connection rules and requirements. For enclaves, a list of all hosted AIS applications, interconnected outsourced IT-based processes, and interconnected IT platforms is developed and maintained along with evidence of deployment planning and coordination and the exchange of connection rules and requirements.

MAC / CONF Impact Subject Area
High Security Design and Configuration


Interconnected information systems create the risk of introducing security risks to linked systems if proper safeguards and considerations are not employed.  To provide a reasonable level of assurance among interconnected information systems, appropriate documentation of the connecting system must be developed maintained.

1. Each Component with an existing or potential connection to another system shall identify and establish an agreement of operating parameters.
2. Items such as data handling methods, personnel clearances requirements, and operating procedures must be approved by both DAA’s.
3. Agreements shall be maintained and followed by each system.
4. All potential changes to either system must be analyzed for IA and accreditation impact.


  • CJCSM 6510.01, Defense-in-Depth: Information Assurance (IA) and Computer Network Defense (CND), 10 August 2004
  • DoDI 8500.2, Information Assurance (IA) Implementation, para. E3.2.7, 06 February 2003